contact information

Need your questions answered? Do you have a project in mind that you would like us to take a look at? Feel free to contact us at anytime.

Mary Downs, Sales Manager
732 841 1308 Telephone:
732 381 6337FAX:


Kevin Schultz, Installation Manager
908 451 4062 Telephone:
732 381 6337FAX:


Our Address:
Innovative Energy Conservation, LLC
17A Progress St.
Edison, NJ 08820

Energy Facts

Change that bulb...
Replacing one incandescent lightbulb with an energy-saving compact fluorescent bulb means 1,000 pounds less carbon dioxide is emitted to the atmosphere and $67 dollars is saved on energy costs over the bulb's lifetime. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Alliance to Save Energy).

Reduce oil consumption...

A decrease of only 1% in industrial energy use would save the equivalent of about 55 million barrels of oil per year, worth about $1 billion.

Improve efficiency...

Combined annual energy costs for U.S. commercial buildings ($107.9 billion) and industrial facilities ($94.4 billion) a total of $202.3 billion. Portion of energy in buildings used inefficiently or unnecessarily: 30 percent. (

Did you know...

For most commercial and industrial customers, your total electrical bill is not only based on the TOTAL amount of electricity you use but also on the MAXIMUM amount used at any one time.

Reduce Greenhouse gas emissions...

Combined percentage of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions generated by commercial buildings (17 percent) and industrial facilities (28 percent). Total: 45 percent